Welcome to digital relevance…





















Simplify your life...

It is almost impossible to get anything done today without any technology or digital intervention. Even simple tasks are made more simple with tech or digital revolution. All it takes is to find the relevant technology and deploy it.

Unfortunately, many people spend a lot of money on the technology they do not need because of little or incorrect information. Most tech providers just want to sell their stuff while most users do not know what they really need. Technology must be customized to individual or corporate needs to really make it work.

At Techside, we help you identify your need and provide the technology that is relevant, thereby making you achieve more with less effort, time, and money.

It is that simple!


We like to be regarded as a Tech-Response Agency because of our passion to help individuals and businesses to maximize technology for their operations especially in Africa.

Knowing the African lag in leveraging technology due to  little resources and knowledge, we deliver our tech solutions through our researched procedure of  “Need – Relevance – Ease.”  We are poised to help our clients with our knowledge and network to save costs on technology by delivering customized solutions so they only pay for what they need.

We believe that we are a partner to every client in their success journey as we commit to simplifying their processes with technology.


Digital Marketing

Reach and engage the right audience with your product, service or project with our laser-sure offer and experienced team. Acquire more customers and retain old ones with increased sales. We provide full stack service from strategy to execution.

Multimedia Production<br />

Upgrade your presentations and documentation with visually engaging documents – Print, VIdeo, and Online. We are now in a visual world and everything that sticks with the audience is what is visually appealing. You spend a lot of time and effort on your idea and creates the ultimate content, don’t waste it with an uninteresting presentation. We help you convert your thoughts and contents to a powerful tool n different formats – Text, Video, Online so you can engage and win your target audience  – Marketing, Proposals, Projects, Presentations, Advertising, etc

Brand Tech

Inject innovation into your branding efforts and use technology to get visibility and top of mind awareness. Set up customized digital games, content platforms, mobile apps, Virtual Reality, Augmented reality, etc which can be deployed to digital or physical locations. Take your brand interaction to new heights and get unprecedented positive results.

Email Automation

Make tech work for you and reduce the high rate of human errors and unfinished tasks. One funny way to say it is, let’s put a robot in your mail and engage your target audience seamlessly and timely. This is proven to eventually save cost while keeping your brand fresh in the minds of your target audience. It is also the sure way to gain repeat business. This is also relevant to educational institution to deliver lessons and engage learners.

Workplace Technology

Get jobs done fast…no…faster…and achieve more results. Simplify tasks and make work interesting for staff and colleagues. Your workplace can go wireless, enjoy cloud filing, work tracking, staff tracking, automate your collaboration and evaluation, automate training experience, etc. Even physical tasks like cleaning, check in and the likes can be done with super gadgets. It’s time to make tech your success partner!


Boost your security efforts with technology customized to your needs. Not one size fits all. Your type of work requires a security solution that fits it so don’t go with the Jones. We provide security support that is multilevel and multi-process in a simplified form for offices, homes, schools, events, and communities.

Educational Technology

We provide the fastest way to become a globally-compliant educational center and a fast-track to upgrading your current operations by helping school owners /teachers to quickly become visible online to their students, parents and other stakeholders, in a matter of hours. We are experienced in bridging the knowledge gap towards maximizing ICT for schools, teachers and students.

Digital Publishing</p> <p>

Get your books into the digital space and let it spread to the world. Our experience in publishing gives you the needed edge to have your books properly put together for maximum result online. We help  create new books from the scratch and old printed books can be converted to digital formats so you can have the best of both worlds – offline and online.

Tech Advisory

Are you thinking of what tech you need to solve a particular task or project? Call us and let’s help you determine what is relevant to your specific needs. We can help review your present technology usage and make recommendations. Don’t waste money getting what you don’ need because of sweet talk from marketers.




85, Apapa Road, 

Ebute Metta, Lagos.


0818 396 4074

0802 392 0178


